We do have a great number of services and as we add more services I will put them up here
A) Honest and accurate readings, with sympathetic and knowledgable readers.
B) Different kinds of readers and energy workers to meet your special needs and type of questions you have, for example, compatibility reading, mediumship reading animal, communications and year-long monthly reading just for you
C) On our Wisdom Seekers FB, we have a number of live interviews on many subjects from raising the spiritual child, to life after death and how to maintain a healthy body while being spiritual.
We do daily cards, three-day cards, as well as a spirit animal for the week. Erin, has special guidance for the week answers come out on Friday
D) On Wisdomseekers youtube we do weekly interactives and also a weekly what’s happening with the energy for this week’s card readings for Earth Air, Fire and Water on Fridays and Saturdays. Mondays we do a live one question interactive.